PTO banner
What is PTO?

PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. The PTO consists of parents and teachers working together to support and enrich all students at South Jones Elementary. The PTO supports school staff, promotes student self esteem, and will assist in all endeavors to solve school needs with volunteers and fundraising. All parents are encouraged to join the PTO and participate in activities whenever possible.

How does the PTO Help?
Get involved

Some PTO activities include helping in the classrooms, volunteering in the library, preparing special treats for staff appreciation, and various other activities. The PTO has several scheduled family and fundraising events throughout the year. Below you will see a list of our PTO officers and dates for scheduled meetings. Please come join us!

PTO Officers
Merileigh Dubose, Meagan Brooks, Cori Carbanaro

President: Merileigh Dubose

Vice President: Meagan Brooks

Treasurer: Cori Carbanaro